Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Not so good

I'm not so good at updating. :/

So let's see . . .

Ethan got accepted to a new charter school opening up in our town. We are SO very excited!! He was also tested for gifted and talented and was referred for math and reading. He's a genius . . . like his mommy!!! hehe

Emily . . . we are still looking for a preschool for her. Seems rates are going up, and I'm not wanting to pay them!!! She's doing great, though, getting smarter every day, and she keeps me smiling!

Killian is such a sweetie. He has this squishy face smile that melts my heart. He does have a temper, though. If I'm nursing Sawyer, and he's ready, he'll hit Sawyer in the head while screaming at the top of his lungs. Not nice . . .

Sawyer is a ham. He just looks like he's always up to something!! He's also HUGE. It's hard to believe that we were worried about his weight just a few months ago.

I can't believe they will be one in just a few short days. This year has gone by so quickly . . . and we have enjoyed just about every minute of it!!

We had their smash cake pics done today. She said she would have them done by Friday or Saturday. I can't wait!!! They DEVOURED the cakes!!!! :) 

Exciting news . . . we finally moved into the new house. :) It's amazing!!! The kids are loving it. They have so much space to run around in! The playroom is one of the favorite places in the house!!

And finally, asking for thoughts and prayers for Sawyer. He has a follow-up ultrasound tomorrow to check his kidney. Ultrasound of his liver last summer after a bout of jaundice revealed hydronephrosis on one kidney. We are hoping it's all cleared up now and will cause no problems in the future.

Now I'm going to sit and watch the radars online until the storms pass or we lose power!! I hate storms . . .

1 comment:

  1. Go Ethan! That's awesome that he's so smart and gifted. You must be one proud mama.

    I couldn't help but laugh about Killian hitting Sawyer in the head though. hehe.

    Good luck at Sawyers appointment. I hope all goes well.
